One of the things that should be the most important in every workplace is safety. Some jobs of course are more dangerous than others, but all workplaces contain some element of risk, and it is important that staff safety always comes before anything else.
Making sure that people have the correct training when they are doing something that could be dangerous, such as working at height or operating machinery is important, however sometimes accidents do happen, and it is also important that there are people onsite who are able to help with this should it occur.
First aid is something that should be taught in all workplaces – emergency first aid training courses enable staff to have the knowledge and skills required to respond instantly to a medical emergency or an accident and do all the right things until the paramedics arrive on the scene. The more people in the workplace who have the right first aid skills, the safer the workplace will be.
It is also essential to have a first aid kit which is fully stocked. This should be inspected on a regular basis to ensure that everything is in date, and anything that has been used from the first aid kit should be replaced immediately.
Things like disposable gloves, plasters and bandages, as well as cleaning wipes are all important parts of a good first aid kit, and making sure that you have all of this as well as trained first aiders could save someone’s life.