How to decorate room with simple things

How to decorate room with simple things

If you walk very short of money, but you want to give a new look to your room, you are in the right place! Today we will give you beautiful, creative and original ideas to carry out this project. Now, discover how to decorate room with simple things.

It is logical that there will be things that you have to spend, but in general, everything is super cheap, and the good thing is that many things already have them in your house so that the expense will be minimal.

How to decorate room with simple things?

How to decorate room with simple things

With a brush and acrylic paint transcribe on your wall the favorite sheet of the book that you like the most. With these molds to make letters, you can write sentences on the wall, pillows, curtains, etc. If you like the world of fashion, hang your magazines on hooks. Remember that it is important to keep a good distance between them so that the wall does not become saturated.

Recycle bottles creatively

Recycle bottles creatively

Decorate them with paint, markers and even pebbles. On a white card write a word and then fill it with matches. It requires patience, but it is an excellent option to have an original mega frame. Be careful and do not approach him fire!



Decorate room with markers, nail polish or any other material, decorate the power plug. Line a shoe box and put all your chargers in, as they look in the picture. With this detail, you will get them out of sight and make your room look much cleaner.

The clotheslines with your Instagram photos will never go out of fashion, as it is an excellent way to keep your memories always in front of you. You only need a few clothes hangers and hooks. If you like to draw, you can also make them with paint and a very good pulse in your hand.

Table and desk

Table and desk

Frame your desk with Christmas lights and paper flowers. It will help you to become super creative. If you want to have a place to hang your favorite earrings, steal the cheese scratcher from the kitchen and paint it.

Use colored tape to make a design like this. This is a very original idea to invite your friends and have a night of drinks in your room.

Many of us use these rubber boards to put notes, photos, drawings, etc. Give it a new view with Christmas lights, I assure you that you will not get tired of seeing it!

Add letters on paper

Add letters on paper

Choose a phrase that motivates you and cut the letters on magazine paper. I assure you that you will love the result. With inflatable paint or Sharpie, you have “gothic” decorations to your spotlights and hang them in your window.

You only need black adhesive tape (insulation) to make a beautiful pattern on your wall. Remember that the most important thing is to keep the same distance between one cross and another so that the design looks spectacular.

About the author

Francisco Bowman

Francisco Bowman

Francisco is a Home and Garden expert with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He is passionate about helping homeowners choose the right Home and Garden for their needs and budget. Read his article for tips, tricks, and advice on everything Home and Garden-related.

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